Thursday, January 14, 2010

Price Of Don Carters Has Any President's Approval Ratings Dropped This Fast Since Carter Got Rid Of The Price Controls On Gasoline?

Has any President's approval ratings dropped this fast since Carter got rid of the price controls on gasoline? - price of don carters

Well, this is a sign that the American public was not an instant hood as the prime suspect and hope "and change", the thought did not go as planned.

Also, the Democratic Congress is considering two different social programs that attempt to compel support, the United States and its people.

Oh, and by the way Sheldon, please cut and paste something new!

GM under U.S. control and the Chinese government is not a good thing, Chrysler, from the second worst car manufacturer in the world is not a thing.Unemployment higher than in 30 years not a good thing, debts to China, based on currently available in the United States does not consider himself a good thing, more debt than ever before in the history of the country is not a good thing. The bag itself is thousands of points lower than in 20 years not a good thing, GDP is less than in recent years is not a good thing.


Priti said...

President Obama prevent the 2nd Great Depression.
It is the only major economic miracle of all time and is not an exaggeration!
[Economic indicators such as the construction of new homes, factory orders and testing of new mortgage business.]
And now, consumer spending [70% of the economy] as well.
Oh, and the bank back the money with interest principles TARP!

[I know the work, right? Who was the last to recover, you ask an economist. Be patient]

He is recovering foreign friends of the United States that the departure of the saw
We are coming out of Iraq the wrong war
It was right back into action in Afghanistan, the war.
He will find a way to close Guantanamo.
It is an end of torture, making sure that the world knows
In short, it does its job!

All of a sudden said, GM and Chrysler to adapt or ship
particularly in the first 6 months!

Soon everyone will have health care too!

ALL of our president is so terrible

I am KING Obama!! BOW TO ME said...

I remember the Carter years?
72% of all taxes on businesses, 69% tax on all individuals who have more than 200 Yar.
hmmm ... sounds familiar, it is not!

Patriot said...

The guests to be on a given day is.

What is the placement after Obama's racist statements against whites Crowley Police in support of his friend Gates, black racist, who teaches at Harvard University.

countryf... said...

It was 90% after 9 / 11 and has fallen nearly 70 percentage points! ...

tribeca_... said...

Yes What's your number?

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