Monday, February 22, 2010

What Is A Carribean Wax I Am An Afro-Caribbean Male What Hair Products Should I Use?

I am an Afro-Caribbean male what hair products should I use? - what is a carribean wax

Hello, I am a human hair products such as Afro-Caribbean should I use?
It can usually keep their hair short (1 to another peak of about 1.5) and not every 3-4 weeks Cutt.
But as sometimes very fat and / or my scalp is dry and sweet shoot me (not bad enough for people to notice).
In general, wash my hair every two days with my shower gel (shampoo RADOX). Sometimes, during his short, I gel / wax JAM. Try head and shoulders, which helps, but sometimes I have oily hair and itchy scalp dry.
Wash Any advice on products or how often your hair or gel should be appreicated. Thank you.

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